HYDRO – hydrostatics and intact stability program
Hydro now includes a powerful feature that greatly enhances its usefulness to designers and others needing to analyze the hydrostatics of vessels. With version 5.0.19, you have the freedom to specify a vessel’s center of gravity to be positioned anywhere using all three dimensions. You are no longer limited to having the CG located on the vessel’s centerline. When specifying an off-center CG, Hydro will automatically equilibrate the vessel to the correct equilibrium heel angle. In addition, Hydro can calculate the stability curve for a vessel whose CG is off-center for any range of heel angles. To complement this feature, Hydro also allows you to investigate the effect on stability of adding weight at any off-center position. With these new capabilities, Hydro will give you greater flexibility in analyzing a vessel’s stability.
Feel free to sign up for an evaluation version of MultiSurf which includes Hydro.
Download a pdf file detailing the Hydro features.
Hydro is a Windows-based PC program for calculation of flotation and righting moments of an elongated floating body, such as the hull of a boat or a ship. The applications include:
- evaluations of initial and ultimate stability and flotation, and of heel angles for capsizing and downflooding
- assessment of effects of design alterations on the above properties
- determination of sail-carrying ability (for sailing vessels), of tank volumes and ullage curves, of ballast volume and center of gravity, and of hull structural weights and centroids
- simulation of stability tests for Coast Guard inspection or ocean racing qualification
The Windows-based version of Hydro includes all features of our older, time-tested DOS-version with its interactive interface, screen displays of boat’s attitude and of summary graphs, the option to save and/or print all the results, and easy escape from any calculation.
- Fixed position hydrostatics — The model can be placed in the water in any position and orientation, the program calculates all the integral quantities of interest to the naval architect:
- section areas
- girths
- displaced volume
- center of buoyancy
- waterplane area
- center of flotation
- wetted surface
- righting moments
- Equilibrated hydrostatics — An automatic balancing algorithm will bring the model into a position of hydrostatic equilibrium under whatever conditions of heel and loading are specified — trim can be specified to equilibrate automatically or to stay fixed.
- Graphs — The program generates the data needed to plot stability curves and curves of form, righting moment curves, and section area curve. Bonjean curves and dynamic stability calculations are included.
- Any units (English, metric, or other) — The program works in sea water or fresh water or a liquid of any other density.
- Critical points — You can name and key in the coordinates of up to 6 specific points whose heights above or below the waterplane will be displayed and/or printed in the standard output summary.
Comprehensive documentation included.
A demo of the program operation.
Price: See Pricelist